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13. Family crest

As a family we're quite interested in our history. My dad has been putting together his family tree on his Mum's side and I'm fairly convinced that my love of sequins comes from my maternal Grandad's family descending from circus folk.


With The Lawton family


As a family we're quite compact. There aren't many of us but that means we know each other really well. I thought it might be fun for us to create a family crest based on our values. We used an online tool to create it.

SHIELD SHAPE: Represents the roof of a house and signifies protection

BACKGROUND: Red means warrior and strength

CHEVRON: Blue means strength and loyalty

EAGLE IN SILVER: means protection and sincerity

LION IN GOLD: means courage and generosity

HAND IN GREEN: means sincerity, loyalty, hope, justice and love

MOTTO: 'Family and strength'

The overarching theme was strength and I think this is something we're known for as a family by our friends.

'A family might be strong but individual members won’t feel positive all the time. We just know we can draw strength from each other when we need it.' Annie (mum)

Looking at the official Lawton crest we were interested to see it's mainly black which means grief, good job us modern day Lawton's are made of stronger stuff!


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